Clifford Beers Community Health Partners complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. | Clifford Beers Community Health Partners cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo. | Clifford Beers Community Health Partners cumpre as leis de direitos civis federais aplicáveis e não exerce discriminação com base na raça, cor, nacionalidade, idade, deficiência ou sexo. | Clifford Beers Community Health Partners 遵守適用的聯邦民權法律規定,不因種族、膚色、民族血統、年齡、殘障 或性別而歧視任何人。
Click Here To Learn About Our Commitment to Anti-Racist Practices
Need Help Now? If you or a loved one are in crisis and need to speak with someone immediately, call 2-1-1.
Our Services
We are one of the largest providers of child, adolescent, and young adult mental health care in New Haven County. We identify the root cause of a child’s issues rather than simply correcting behavior. Instead of asking “What is wrong with this child?” we ask “What happened to this child?” so we can address the whole family’s underlying needs.
Outpatient Mental Health Services
Provides children, adolescents, and families an opportunity to work 1:1, in a group, or family setting with a trained therapist in a safe and caring environment.
Learn MoreIn-Home Services
Meeting families where they are at for strengths-based, individualized, and whole-family care to improve wellness and healing.
Learn MoreCommunity Specialized Services
Providing comprehensive support services to help families and communities navigate parenting, personal tragedy, or community violence.
Learn MoreAutism/ID/DD Services
Family-friendly resources, enrichment, and care to help individuals with autism spectrum disorder or intellectual/developmental disabilities thrive.
Learn MoreSchool-Based Services
Offering students, families, and staff access to clinical and care coordination services in New Haven Public Schools and Hamden Public Schools.
Learn MoreTrauma Training & Consultation
Promotes a stronger understanding of trauma, how it affects a child’s behavior, and helps build a system more responsive to the needs of children.
Learn MoreAssessment (Psychosocial Testing)
Testing, evaluations, and recommendations to help you find answers and care solutions for your child and family.
Learn MoreFarnam Community Center
Providing school readiness, social-emotional development, recreational, and enrichment programs to New Haven children and families.
Learn MoreCare Coordination
Helps to identify resources and supports so your family can develop permanent connections within your community for future support.
Learn MoreMobile Crisis Intervention Services
Community-based program that provides an immediate response to children, adolescents, and their families during a mental health or behavioral health crisis.
Learn MoreOur Impact
Have a concern or incident to report? Use our Compliance Hotline: (203) 782-3151. You can choose to leave your name or remain anonymous when reporting your concerns. We will treat your concern as confidential to the best of our ability, but we may need to share information on a need-to-know basis to address your concern. If you prefer not to leave a voicemail, you can submit a ticket using the Compliance Hotline Form below.
December 12, 2023: Clifford Beers and the New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) district announce USDE grant for Fair Haven neighborhood community school model. LEARN MORE
November 28, 2023: Clifford Beers Community Care Center awarded a grant of $2.5M over five years from the United States Department of Education to implement the Full-Service Community Schools model in the Fair Haven neighborhood. LEARN MORE
August 31, 2022: On Day 1, Highsmith Shows Up. Clifford Beers To Provide Mental Health Services & Care Coordination to Hamden Public Schools. LEARN MORE
June 6, 2022: It Takes a Village To Address The Youth Mental Health Crisis. LEARN MORE
May 2022: Clifford Beers announces new name, new logo, same mission. Joins Clifford Beers Community Health Partners!
April 22, 2022: Spring Break Comes Alive At Wexler-Grant. LEARN MORE
Joint Commission Accreditation
Contact Us

(203) 772-1270

93 Edwards Street
New Haven, CT 06511