We are now a proud member of the Clifford Beers Community Health Partners Network.
What We Do
We are a nationally recognized provider of trauma-informed mental health care for children, adolescents, and adults. We serve as the safety net for children and families in the greater New Haven area who cannot afford or gain access to private mental health care. Our whole-family, trauma-informed, integrated model of care is designed to reduce chronic stress and build healthy and supportive connections.
The children and families we serve are incredibly resilient, and we believe every individual deserves compassionate and individualized care that improves their health, resiliency, and quality of life.
“The true character of society is revealed in how it treats its children.” – Nelson Mandela
Who We Help
We provide a safe and welcoming environment for every individual regardless of race, gender, language, sexual identity, disability, or documentation status.
We help children recover from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as traumatic loss, sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, parental incarceration, and witnessing community violence.
Our services provide support across the lifespan of a child and youth, from birth through age 19 and their families, and are tailored to address each individual’s unique needs.
We accept Medicaid (HUSKY) as well as several commercial health insurance providers.
How We Help
Our dedicated team of child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, clinicians, and support staff understand that every person is unique, of value, and requires compassionate and individualized care.
Our broad range of services are designed to decrease symptoms, build social skills, and increase overall functioning. We consider our clients individual needs as well as the circumstances and well-being of the whole family. Services include:
- Autism / IDD / DD
- Care Coordination
- Child First
- Project CATCH
- Community Support for Families (CSF)
- Community Healing Support Team (CHST)
- Farnam Community Center (Farnam Nursery School, Camp Farnam)
- Fatherhood Engagement Services
- Functional Family Therapy
- Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (MCIS)
- New Haven Community Schools Partnership (NHCSP)
- Outpatient Services (Individual, Family, and Group Therapy)
- Psychiatry
- SAFE Family Recovery
- School-Based Services
- Psychological Testing and Assessment Services
As an agency committed to the health and wellness of our employees and communities, we are committed to examining and taking action against the multifaceted nature of racism in the United States. Racism is dehumanizing to everyone it touches.
We hold a longstanding value of upholding and working toward social justice for all people. We are a welcoming, caring community, respecting of diversity and differences. We must examine racism beyond the actions of individuals, for it is embedded in the systems of care and the very fabric of our society.
We acknowledge that racism can be unconscious or unintentional. Yet it influences behavior and we are committed to examining implicit biases and their impact.
We acknowledge that racism works in tandem with systems of sexism, patriarchy, heteronormativity, cissexism, classism, and ableism.
We vow to purposefully identify, discuss, and challenge issues of race and color and the impact(s) they have on our organization, its systems, and its people.
We challenge ourselves to understand and correct any inequities we may discover and gain a better understanding of ourselves during this purposeful process.
We affirm explicitly and publicly, our identity as an anti-racism organization.
Leadership Team
Ilaria Filippi, LMFT: Executive Director
Jamell Cotto: Associate Executive Director
Jennifer Richmond, LCSW: Vice President of Population Health and Integrated Care for Kids (InCK) Project Director
Gerry Baird, LCSW: Director of Mobile Crisis Intervention Services
Jennifer Cretella: Vice President of Business Development
Marcquis Knox: Director of Programs, Farnam Community Center
Cara Klaneski, MSW: Director of Community Support Services and Engagement
Shayla Moye: Director of Client Access
Michaelangelo Palmieri: Director of Community Specialized Services
Juli Cioffi-Smith: Director of Outpatient Services
Alice Forrester, PhD: Chief Executive Officer of Clifford Beers Community Health Partners
Board of Directors
Mr. Ray Andrewsen, President
Mr. Ian Williams, Vice-President
Dr. Ruth Eren, Treasurer
Ms. Charlene Chiaro, Secretary
Mr. Norman Bender, Director
Mr. Juan Candelaria, Director
Ms. Raynetta Gibbs, Director
Mr. Robert Wechsler, Director
Alice M. Forrester, PhD, Chief Executive Officer
990 Filings
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we are required to annually file an IRS Form 990 which provides the public with detailed financial information about our organization.
Impact Reports
Our History
Clifford Whittingham Beers, born 1876. One of five children, all of whom suffered from psychological distress, including Beers himself.

Following mental struggles that culminate in a suicide attempt, Clifford W. Beers, a graduate of Yale University, is committed to a state mental institution.
A Mind That Found Itself, Beers’ autobiographical account of his mental institution experience, is published and prompts a national discussion.

Beers launched the CT Society for Mental Hygiene — a group to discuss and correct the abuses of the mentally ill. Now Mental Health CT, based in West Hartford.
Clifford Beers Clinic was established — the first outpatient mental health clinic in the US.

Clifford W. Beers dies at 67 after admitting himself to Butler Hospital in RI; he leaves behind his widow, Clara Jepson who carries on his legacy.
Encountering long patient waiting lists, Clifford Beers Clinic begins offering triage services.

Clifford Beers moves to newly refurbished headquarters on Edwards Street.
The Sexual Abuse Specialty Team (Project CATCH) is established; the Clinic also offers special services to victims of family violence.

The Clinic’s bilingual staff spearheads efforts to extend Clinic services to the Latino population.
The Clinic establishes the Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Services unit to provide for 24/7 intense crisis assessment and referral.

The Clinic becomes part of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network which allows expansion of trauma services for traumatized children and their families.
Clifford Beers called to be recovery response for Sandy Hook School tragedy.

The Clinic celebrates 100 years of work in the field of mental health cares and pledges in its next century to build upon the Clinic’s system of care.
NH Mayor DeStefano asks CB to design and lead the NH Trauma Coalition. Now in 12 schools; statewide trauma training delivered for districts.

Awarded $9.7 million initiative; Wraparound New Haven. Transform health care delivery to families with high behavioral and physical health needs.

Joint Commission Accreditation approved.
Mid-Fairfield Child Guidance Center joins Clifford Beers as an affiliate partner.
American Psychological Association Accreditation approved.

Awarded $16 million initiative from Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation; Integrated Care for Kids (InCK). 1 of 8 states in the country were awarded.
Farnam Neighborhood House becomes a program of Clifford Beers.
Youth Continuum joins Clifford Beers as an affiliate partner.
Awarded a 5-year $2.9m grant from SAMHSA’s National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative to develop and implement a Trauma Informed Anti-Racist (TIAR) Whole Family Approach to Care.
Awarded a 3-year $1m Department of Justice, BJA FY 21 Preventing School Violence: BJA’s STOP School Violence Program grant focused on School Threat Assessment in New Haven Public Schools.

Clifford Beers Community Health Partners Launches!