We are a family-friendly resource for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD), offering care that supports children and adults of all ages. Individuals and families will receive the support needed to improve their health and quality of life, allowing them to reach their fullest potential physically, intellectually, and socially.

  • Diagnostic evaluations/Psychological testing
  • Individual and Family therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Expressive therapies (art, music)
  • Applied behavior analysis
  • Medication management
  • Case management

There is no aging out of care.  All family members, including parents and siblings, have access to support services and programs.

To make a referral for therapy or evaluation services, please call (203) 772-1270.

What is ABA Therapy?

What is ABA Therapy?
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior. Behavior analysis helps us understand how behavior works, how it is affected by the environment and the process of learning.

The goals of ABA therapy are to increase behaviors that promote independence and learning and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect skill acquisition

How will ABA therapy help?
ABA therapy will address the areas of need identified during an initial assessment. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Decrease problem behaviors
  • Increase language and communications skills (for example, requesting items, conversation skills, communicating emotions and needs, etc.)
  • Improve attention and focus
  • Play skills
  • Self care and independence (getting dressed, vocational, toilet training) 

When is the best time for someone to begin ABA therapy?
The earlier, the better!

Research has demonstrated that children who start ABA therapy as early as possible (~2 years old) make the most significant improvements. However, ABA can support skill development throughout the lifespan. 

Does an interested individual need to have a formal autism diagnosis to get treatment?
Currently, insurance covers ABA therapy for children who have been given an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis by a licensed professional.

Where are ABA services provided?
Typically in the clinic, home, daycare and/or in the community.  In some cases services can also be provided in schools.

Will insurance cover ABA therapy?
Each insurance plan is different and must be thoroughly evaluated to determine whether coverage for Applied Behavior Analysis is provided. Currently, we are a contracted in-network provider for Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) and HUSKY A.

BCBC:  Requires an ASD diagnosis and client to be up to 18 years old

HUSKY A: Requires an ASD diagnosis and client to be 3 to 21 years old

I have more questions and would like to talk with someone on your clinical staff. Who should I contact?
Please contact us at (203) 772-1270 or info@cliffordbeers.org.